
#myselfiescrapbook - Part 2

I was going to share my photos for this past week and let you know how my photo book was coming together... but then today happened and I realised that I was meant to do this class for a reason.

Today was my daughters Year 12 Ball and I thought it would be fun to capture some selfies of her and I. But the more I thought about it the more I knew that I wanted to capture one specific moment in time.  That moment that I wanted to remember forever.

When it was time for Alex to get dressed I knew that it was just going to be me and her, in the room, no one else, just a moment between Mother and Daughter.  No one was going to be able to capture the photo that I wanted and I am not sure that having someone else there would have made the moment so special.

I set up my tripod, set up phone and made sure the remote was close by.  For a moment I thought, what are you doing! trying to get a selfie at this time!  But then I realised that these past two weeks of taking selfies has made me understand that I want to be part of the story and I am part of the story.

I wanted to be able to capture some moments where I was helping her to get ready for her ball. So as she dressed and put shoes etc on I just kept clicking off my remote as I was helping her.

But this was the moment that I wanted to capture. That moment when I looked at my beautiful daughter and realised that my little girl was all grown up.  It was the moment when she was all ready, I looked at her and I couldn't keep it in any longer and I cried.  Then she cried and we hugged... that was the moment, right then when I clicked.

and this is my second favourtie photo, when we both grabbed a tissue, looked at each other and laughed.

 What an amazing day, 
what an amazing emotion,
what an amazing feeling.

Never again will I question taking a "Selfie"

love me:-)


  1. Oh, I feel as if I need a tissue myself ... Such beautiful, natural photos, which tell such a story. Beautifully photographed and I am sure you (and your lovely daughter) will always be glad you had the foresight to be prepared and ready to take them.

  2. Thanks Alexa, these are some of my most favourite photos

  3. Beautiful Tracey, just loved reading this. So happy you got these moments, maybe you could do this one day on her wedding day also. I am proud of her for letting you take these and capturing this moment, shows how much she's matured and loves her mom too, not surprised by that at all of course. Thank you for sharing this with us and inspiring us to love taking selfies!!

    1. HI Dawn, I am just so glad I took these, I nearly wasn't going to because I thought maybe I was being a bit silly. But man, I am so glad I did take these because they are my favourite photos and I just can't stop looking at them... and I will definately be doing this on her wedding day LOL!


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