

several weeks ago my husbands Aunty & Uncle contacted us to tell us they are planning on coming to Oz for a holiday.  We were so excited and we are really looking forward to them coming.  

But... yes there was a but!  Where are they going to stay.  All our bedrooms are full.  My husband looked at me, you know with that look of "I want to suggest something but I don't think you are going to go with it" followed by a very long stare. Then he said "well we could always clean out your craft room".

"Are you insane" I screamed (yes I screamed, I mean who in their right mind would suggest such a thing) where would I craft? But the bigger question "where would I put all that stuff?"
My husband very quickly realised that this was probably one of his worst suggestions ever and we moved on.

Several weeks later...

Since that initial conversation about my craft room, it got me thinking.  Moving out of this room would be a HUGE, TOTALLY HUGE project.  I mean it's full.  Probably more than full, it's at the point of bursting.  But if I moved out of this room it would give me the best opportunity to clear it out, declutter, destash, de-everything.  I could really go through everything, be ruthless and only keep what I truly love and use.

But I pushed the idea out of my head.  Too hard, too big, too difficult!  Plus I need all that stuff right??

The idea kept coming back though, each time stronger and stronger.  The urge to get rid of stuff starting to sound exciting, do-able, possible.  At the same time all this was going on in my head I had started to read "the life-changing magic of trying up" by Marie Kondo.  I used this method to clean out my wardrobe and the result have been amazing.  

What if I used the same approach to my craft room.  What if I moved out, cleared stuff out, sorted stuff, purged stuff, donated stiff, sold stuff and only kept stuff that I truly loved and used.  I was already feeling a sense of space, clarity, room to move, room for inspiration to grow, just at this thought.  So how good would this space feel if I actually did move out.

So I chatted with my husband, made a deal with him (that I was only moving out temporarily and as soon as they leave I am getting new furniture for my craft room, more shelving in the closet and then I am moving right back in) and #projectCRAFTroom was born.  

These are some of my guidelines to keep me on track - 

1.  I have got  approx 12 months to complete the moving out process.
2.  I am going to tackle small chunks at a time.
3.  I am only going to keep what I actually love and use (no exceptions to this rule at all).
4.  Stay focused on the end result.

My mantra for this project - 
moving "stuff" out so inspiration can move in.

So here we go, wish me luck ...
love me :-)


  1. It sounds like quite the project, Tracey, but in the end I think you're going to feel great about it! Plus the incentive of new furniture and shelving to hold the items you love and will use is a great one. Fantastic mantra as well! xo

  2. Oh yes good luck, i will remind you of your mantra often.


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