
30 Day Minimalism Game...

I've read about this challenge many times, even thought about doing it many times but always chickened out at the last minute.  This year, however, is different.  I want to make many changes in my life and most of them to keep stress far away so that I continue to stay healthy and live a long life. 

I hate clutter, always have but for some reason I have managed to live in clutter, quite well for a very long time.  Oh sure, it's bothered me from time to time, even down right annoyed me but there was always something else more important to do.  I have been doing a lot of reading and searching blogs and they all seem to agree, to get your life organised you need to declutter your life, both physically and mentally.  So with that in mind I have decided to do the 30 day minimalism game, created by The Minimalists.  Basically on the first day you get rid of one item, the second day, two items and you keep going until the end of the month.

I will admit that on day one I thought this was going to be easy, but as the week went on I realised that it's going to get tougher each day.  However, finding things each day has become quite a fun (yes challenging at times) thing to do.  I am finally starting to get rid of the billion coffee cups that we have (okay maybe not a billion, but definitely a million LOL!).  I am already starting to feel lighter and starting to see space in the cupboard that hoards the coffee cups.  It's also making me think more about what I buy (which if I was being totally honest here, we don't need anything), it's stopped me several times from purchasing things that we don't really need.  Although I do need to tell my husband to stop buying stuff.  On day 5 I got rid of 5 things and my husband bought in 3 things, 3 things that we already had 😕.  Tiny steps right!

So this week I got rid of 28 items (I'm not completely ignoring the three items bought in by my husband) and I already feel lighter.  Only 437 items to go 😲

I'm off now to check my husbands pockets!

xox Tracey

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that's quite a challenge by the end of the month ... (Unless you can go for paperclips, or something equally small!). Looking forward to hearing how it goes. The awareness of "do I really need this? No!" sounds a useful outcome too.


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